Monday, December 03, 2007

Chin up

I'd forgotten all about this picture that I took on my cellphone. It's shaky because it was taken on the bus. It's a sign sponsored by the Civil Defence and hangs on the handrail of the bus at eye level and says: "Chin ups keep you fit for IPPT".

Like it's to make you feel better when you're swaying and keeping your balance as the driver does his Evel Knievel tribute. So all you National Servicemen packed in the buses and hanging on to the handrails as the bus takes a sharp corner, it's all for a good cause.

There's another sign at the exit: "Stand up for Singapore". Actually, I'd rather sit.


Bev Sykes said...

Hi! I got tagged and am passing it on to you. Please see for the details.

H. said...

Chin ups don't keep you fit, they just make your biceps look big. And they are mostly useful in situations where you are hanging from a cliff and need to get back up. I like how in the army we used to compare chin ups like it was a sign of manliness.