Saturday, February 09, 2008

The joys of bak kwa

My overseas Singaporean friends who are far away from even a whiff of bak kwa this Chinese New Year will hate me for this post ... and that's why I'm not rubbing salt into the wound by posting pix.

I was trying to describe bak kwa (Wiki does it better than I can in this link) and likened it to smoked bacon, Chinese style.

Which then set off a whole string of thought. Why not use it like bacon then? Bak kwa pieces in a caesar salad. Bak kwa in carbonara sauce with pasta. Bak kwa and scrambled eggs. The possibilities are endless. That was when L looked at me strangely.

And that was when I had a bak kwa sandwich for lunch. It was good


Anonymous said...


If/when you come over I'll send you some money if you don't mind buying some for me.

Maya the Bengal loves bak kwa too. If I'm eating it she will demand some in that imperious meow of hers.

I've had bak kwa sandwich which I quite liked - made the bak kwa go further. But I'm not sure if the flavour or texture is quite right as a bacon sub. But let me know if you do try it that way.

H. said...

You know that Jack Neo film where they make this bak kwa packets? That's what we're having here...small little itty bitty preserved pieces of bak kwa. Sad.