Thursday, June 12, 2008


I'm an Apple fan, having always used Macs -- unless I'm at work and then the Windows PC is really my employer's fault. I still have Macs that I'm not using, like a dinky Mac Classic that is still in working condition -- only there's not much you can do with it in this day and age. I mean, who even remembers black and white screens these days?

But I'm going to pass on the iPhone. First, it took too long time to get here. Second, it wasn't until yesterday that the mobile service provider which clinched the deal with Apple announced that it was going to offer the new 3G model. Third, it costs way too much.

And more importantly, it's because I already have a 3G phone. So I don't need to be among the first in Asia to have a 3G iPhone. On top of that, my 3G phone came free. OK, so I had to extend my mobile contract for two years to get that but it was no hardship. My mobile service provider offered this lure last month when it probably already knew that it didn't get the iPhone deal.

For the first time in a long while, Apple has stepped in with too little, too late. Phooey.

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