Monday, July 03, 2006

The couch is not enough

Royalty must lie on cushions. And the spot must in the cool aircon draft. Overlooking the view from the window is also necessary.

HRH would have a fit if I told her that Driveway Dog that lives opposite P sleeps on concrete.

Last Friday, went past Yellow Dog and his friend again. This time, they were almost up by the road and I could take a closer look, particularly as roadworks meant that the traffic slowed to a bottleneck right by them. There's a construction site that has just been set up at the edge of the field, and it looks like the dogs came with the construction people. So they're construction site dogs then, which is pretty common. Some construction site dogs are actually quite well taken care of, they've had their shots and stuff. But I didn't see a collar on Yellow Dog and Friend so I wouldn't assume that. At least they must be fed, they certainly don't have the lean and hungry stray look. Bet cushions aren't in their vocabulary. HRH has a lot to be thankful for.

1 comment:

Bev Sykes said...

It's nice that the dog has his own cup nearby too.