... because I now have two cellphones. I don't really know what to do with two since with just the one, it was already underused but I guess I can now accessorise with them -- I can either carry the pink or silver one to match what I'm wearing for the day.
My service provider offered me the sleek silver Sony Ericsson free if I renewed my contract for another two years. Since I'm sticking with them anyway because of my corporate plan, I decided to take up the offer. The previous phone, the hot pink one, was also free, from the last two-year contract.
This new one is armed to the teeth with a web browser; magnetic mouse pointer for surfing; picture and video blogging; web feeds ticker; Google maps -- all of which I don't know how to use.
Would you believe it, I mostly use my cellphone to make phone calls?
To make telephone calls? Well, how silly is THAT! (me too)
I haven't got a mobile phone. What does that make me, I wonder?
(PS - this is not an invitation to send me your spare!)
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