Saturday, April 12, 2008

Are you a leader?

The Malaysian ruling party has gone from dismissing (political content) blogs as rumour mills to saying that candidates for some party posts must have blogs. Guess they underestimated the reach of blogsphere in last month's elections.

"All candidates must have blogs," the Umno general-secretary told AP. "If not, they are not qualified to be leaders."

Which must make a lot of people I know more qualified for leadership than the people now ensconced in Parliament House.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I can't get into the SPH article - any chance you could e-mail me the text?

I think it's sad that they expect all MPs to have a blog. After all, not everyone can write, or write well, and not everyone wants to blog. Are they afraid that the ones who don't have blogs will end up looking as though they have something to hide?

I suppose this one-size-fits-all policy is typical of politics where everyone has to toe the line or be branded as not-a-team-player. Not far off the corporate business model either.

So ... what about those MPs who aren't natural bloggers ... and blogging is time-consuming ... is this going to open the way for professional writers to ghost these blogs?

Hey! Maybe there's a little sideline for you!

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for sending me the text.

My favourite bit was:

"But now, even youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin - who once compared bloggers to monkeys living by the law of the jungle - has a blog."

Monkeys living by the law of the jungle? What's wrong with being a Monkey? Put enough of them in a room with typewriters and they could probably churn out the works of Shakespeare! Which is more than can be said of MPs!