Sunday, August 27, 2006

Lazy Sunday afternoon

I've been working too many Sundays. Even if I don't mind working on Sundays and holidays -- you get to show up in shorts, tees and sandals, and go home a couple of hours earlier than usual if you're lucky.

That is, when you get in. Before you even get in, it's hard going to get ready to go to work in a sunny afternoon when other people are out doing sunny afternoon weekend things.

Today, we thought at first we'd be out like them, doing Sunday afternoon things. Then we decided that there're too many people out there doing them, and too much afternoon sun to do them in.

So, to celebrate a full, normal Saturday *and* Sunday weekend, we are having a cook-in and pig-out. Because we can. An all-day cook-in is luxury when you've been eating Sunday lunch with one eye on the clock so you wouldn't be late for work. We stocked up on groceries yesterday and have salmon, pork chops and cutlets that we're going to slap on the grill whenever we feel nibblish. L has started a pot of chicken kiam chye (salted pickled mustard leaf veg) which will sit on the stove all day. Yumm.

Hope you're having a good weekend too.

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