Friday, August 18, 2006

Somewhere to rest my head

When L ordered McDonald's delivery last night, HRH's chin rest of choice suddenly became Daddy's knee.

We've sunk to a new low with the Big Mac delivery. Now, our phone number -- and our address -- is on the delivery database for McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut and Canadian Pizza. Is there any other junk food on wheels that we haven't covered?


eslow said...

What, Dunkin' Donuts doesn't deliver?

MGW said...

I always thought Will and I would do poorly in Asian countries -- we've developed such adversions to adventuresome eating. But clearly you have all the staples of a poor American palate at hand. Now all we have to figure out is how to smuggle in two little doggies and their treats and we can come visit. The picture is priceless -- HRH and L carefully watching each other, looks of love tinged with longing (HRH) and suspicion (L). How well we know all three. M.