Friday, June 23, 2006

Caution: Not-so-young-any-longer person ranting

And I'm not the only one, it appears. Hah! There're a lot of people out there who remember the origins of 'Emotion' than they care to admit. They just don't watch Singapore Idol, that's all. And the youngsters who do -- and more importantly, SMS their votes -- don't give two hoots about whose song 'Emotion' is. You'd think if you were singing it on Singapore Idol, you'd at least research it a bit. Ain't that hard. It's on Wikipedia. I just looked.

It's not "Emotion by Destiny's Child" as the contestant said. It is properly, 'Emotion' sung by Destiny's Child. But you're not supposed to sound like the original singer on Singapore Idol, not like that other US contest where you sing, move and look like the original artist. Forgot the name of the show but "Freddie Mercury" was incredible. Ah see, I'm digressing like a not-so-young-any-longer person. On Idol, you're supposed to take the song and make it yours. So even more properly, it's 'Emotion' by the Bee Gees. Because they wrote it. So it's theirs. I think people don't acknowedge song writers enough.

And unlike the Wikipedia entry, I couldn't pinpoint when exactly the Bee Gees recorded it. I wasn't a Bee Gees fan. I wasn't a Samantha Sang fan either, she came to mind only because you can't forget a singer with a name like that. I earlier wrote that the Bee Gees finally recorded it in 2000 or 2001 because I didn't want to say turn of the century. Only Victorians say that. Only now, it wouldn't be far wrong to label me as so last century. I'm pretty sure some kid will do that soon.

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