... while it's still grease free. Because I haven't yet cooked in it. And to think that I was all hyped up for a new kitchen (finally! an oven!). The desire to cook evaporated rapidly as I unpacked box after box of kitchen stuff. All those new cabinets (finally! storage space!) are now full. Which makes me wonder, how did I manage to squirrel away all that stuff in the former cabinet-less kitchen?
Yesterday, I "cooked" the first meal (we had been living on takeout the past week). "Cooked" because it was cheating cooking. Quick-cook paella from a packet (so help me, Martha Stewart. Bet she doesn't sweat when she's had to pack and unpack 30 boxes of stuff) with roast chicken from the supermarket deli.
But we ate it off new pretty pink (yes! that colour again) and blue dinner plates. There's new cookware and new bakeware too. Now all I need to do is to *use* them. But the thought having to cook something before I can eat it makes me feel tired. Did I actually think I was going to make bread this weekend? Thumping dough is as exhausting as unpacking boxes. I know! I'll go run a bath. :)
You know Adi, it just dawned on me. The pink on oyur walls is similar to the pink on my living room wall. We put it on nearly 20 years ago to lots of people saying we would regret it...I still love it. But must admit I'm thinking of changing it to another spectacular color. Hmmmm i wonder what other color would set people off ;o)
I should send you some of my cookbooks. We could "look" at the recipes together. The dream of cooking wonderful fresh, aromatic, wholesome things is much better than the reality of the chopping, dicing, slicing, stirring, and cleaning up.
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