Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Monday blahs

Blahs, not blues. Since I was off. Monday blues are for people going to work and for the schoolchildren truding back after a month-long break. Ha to them!

You'd think that Monday -- when everyone's at work and also the day school reopens -- would be a good day to go to the mall. No teenagers hanging about, I reasoned. I was dead wrong. True, there were hardly any working adults about but school finished earlier than I expected and the mall was packed with teenagers cluttering every corner. Only this time, they were in school uniform.

Ack, teenagers are like bacteria -- there's no running away from them. And like bacteria, there's the good type and the bad type. The good type opens doors for you when you're loaded with grocery bags. The bad type hangs about in a pack and expect you to give way to them in a narrow passageway because of their sheer numbers. Despite being loaded with grocery bags. Followed M's example and purposely kneed them with a bag. Hope it was the one with the cans and sharp edges.

At the supermarket, the students who spent their vacation working the checkouts have gone. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing. I've had some of them pack my shopping who clearly had never done a spot of grocery shopping in their lives. They put the eggs with the heavy stuff, let the frozen stuff melt into the dry stuff.

Back home, did oven-roasted honey-mustard chicken for dinner. I was going to get Dijon mustard and a pot of honey to make the honey-mustard marinade. While looking for a jar of mustard on the shelves, I came across ready-made honey-mustard marinade in a bottle. So got that instead. I always take a shortcut when I find one. It's called working smart. :)

You know HRH's importance in the family when she has her own little pan of chicken roasting, minus the mustard marinade.

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